Dispatcher Sample Workflows

To help you get started with this application, we have collected sample workflows that demonstrate the power and functionality of the Dispatcher family of products, including Dispatcher Phoenix, Dispatcher ScanTrip Cloud, and Dispatcher Stratus. You can download them to use as templates for your workflows, or just to see what makes them tick while you're learning to create your own. You can choose to download the workflow only, their sample input files, or the workflow along with sample files.

We want to hear from you! If you have created your own workflows that you'd like to share with the Solutions Engineering Center community, please submit them to us via the Customer Feedback form in your application software and we will post them here.

Note: Dispatcher Phoenix workflows are unique to that product. Dispatcher ScanTrip Cloud workflows are available to Dispatcher Stratus customers. Dispatcher Stratus workflows contain features not supported by Dispatcher ScanTrip Cloud and therefore may not be compatible.

Annotate and Rename

Collect documents from Dropbox. Then, annotate, rename, and convert your files to PDF before storing them back in Dropbox. With Dispatcher Stratus, files can be organized, accessed, and easily shared by members of your organization.

Bill Payment - Tire Store

A tire store uses a form at the MFP to intelligently route its common scanned documents. Bill Payment and Reconciliation Reports are scanned, renamed, and saved to OneDrive for Business. Any other documents are sent to the store manager for manual processing.

Corporate Expenditure Approval

This workflow utilizes the People Queue and People User nodes, along with Advanced OCR and Metadata Routing, to streamline a company's corporate expense workflow. Documents are gathered from the MFP or Dropbox, processed by the relevant departments, and saved to departmental Dropbox folders.

Hiring Process Workflow

Streamline your hiring process. Applications are collected from a Dropbox folder, where the Hiring Committee can review and vet them. Possible candidates are routed to the Hiring Manager, who has final approval. Applications are accepted or archived for future consideration.

Lottery Winner Confirmation

Use the workflow automation, Advanced OCR, and People nodes to confirm lottery ticket winners and prevent counterfeit tickets from ruining your profits. Real winners are saved in Dropbox, while fakes are sent to the Fraud Prevention department for further analysis.

Metadata Scripting With Email

With this workflow, users can upload a document to a Dropbox folder. The workflow will collect the document, along with the date of upload, update the metadata to the next month, and rename the document with that new date - automatically!

Newspaper Editorial Process Workflow

This workflow highlights the People Queue and People User nodes to provide you with a workflow that includes an iteration loop and multiple approvals. Direct connections to Dropbox make this workflow a cinch to configure.

Route to SharePoint

This SharePoint Connector workflow allows users to scan documents at the MFP, select how they want their documents converted, enter a name for their documents, and then scan their files directly into a selected SharePoint Online folder. Get started in just seconds!